أجهزة الاتصال اللاسلكية MOTOROLA TalkAbout FV500يعد جهاز MOTOROLA TalkAbout FV300R Walkie Talkies جهاز راديو عائلي رائع، وهو مثالي للرحلات البرية والعديد من أنواع العطلات. بفضل قوة 1.0 وات، يوفر FV500 مدى يصل إلى 8 أميال، ولن تكون الخصوصية مشكلة حيث يمكنك الاختيار من بين 121 رمز خصوصية على كل...
MOTOROLA TalkAbout FV500R Walkie TalkiesMOTOROLA TalkAbout FV500R Walkie Talkies is a great family radio, and is perfect for road trips and many types of vacations. With 1.0 watt of power the FV500R offers up to an 8 mile range, and privacy will not be a problem as you...
MOTOROLA TalkAbout FV600 Walkie TalkiesMOTOROLA TalkAbout FV600 Walkie Talkies is a great family radio, and is perfect for road trips and many types of vacations. With 1.0 watt of power the FV600R offers up to a 10 mile range, and privacy will not be a problem as you...
MOTOROLA TalkAbout FV600R Walkie TalkiesMOTOROLA TalkAbout FV600R Walkie Talkies is a great family radio, and is perfect for road trips and many types of vacations. With 1.0 watt of power the FV600R offers up to a 10 mile range, and privacy will not be a problem as you...
MOTOROLA TalkAbout FV700 Walkie TalkiesMOTOROLA TalkAbout FV700 Walkie Talkies is a great family radio, and is perfect for road trips and many types of vacations. The FV700 offers up to a 12 mile range in optimal conditions (typically 1 mile in urban conditions), and privacy will not be...
MOTOROLA TalkAbout FV700R Walkie TalkiesMOTOROLA TalkAbout FV700R Walkie Talkies is a great family radio, and is perfect for road trips and many types of vacations. The FV700R offers up to a 12 mile range in optimal conditions (typically 1 mile in urban conditions), and privacy will not be...
MOTOROLA TalkAbout FV750 Walkie TalkiesMOTOROLA TalkAbout FV750 Walkie Talkies provides great looking camoflauge faceplates, making it a good choice for short range communication while hunting. The FV750 offers up to a 12 mile range in optimal conditions (typically 1 mile in urban conditions), and interference will not be...
MOTOROLA TalkAbout FV750R Walkie TalkiesMOTOROLA TalkAbout FV750R Walkie Talkies provides great looking camoflauge faceplates, making it a good choice for short range communication while hunting. The FV750R offers up to a 12 mile range in optimal conditions (typically 1 mile in urban conditions), and interference will not be...
MOTOROLA TalkAbout FV800 Walkie TalkiesMOTOROLA TalkAbout FV800 Walkie Talkies is a powerful radio designed to keep families in touch. It is a great vacation radio and works well on road trips. With 2.0 watts of power the FV800R offers up to a 16 mile range, and privacy will...
MOTOROLA TalkAbout FV800R Walkie TalkiesMOTOROLA TalkAbout FV800R Walkie Talkies is a powerful radio designed to keep families in touch. It is a great vacation radio and works well on road trips. With 2.0 watts of power the FV800R offers up to a 16 mile range, and privacy will...
أجهزة الاتصال اللاسلكية MOTOROLA TalkAbout MB Seriesإن أجهزة الاتصال اللاسلكي MOTOROLA TalkAbout MB Series سهلة الاستخدام من قبل الصغار والكبار على حد سواء. فهي خفيفة الوزن وتصميمها صغير الحجم يجعلها سهلة الحمل والإمساك بها، حتى في الأيدي الصغيرة. كما أن الأزرار الكبيرة سهلة الضغط، حتى عند ارتداء القفازات. وببساطة، فإن...
MOTOROLA TalkAbout MB140R Walkie TalkiesMOTOROLA TalkAbout MB140R Walkie Talkies is a great entry level radio. The compact design is easy to use and is perfect for kids of all ages. The MB140R is an affordable FRS/GMRS radio with all the basic features, and it makes a perfect gift...
MOTOROLA TalkAbout MC Series Walkie TalkiesMOTOROLA TalkAbout MC Series Walkie Talkies allow remote access to the functions of a compatible station (base station, repeater, or control station). These desktop controllers support tone, DC, and E&M signalling for keying and control of stations
MOTOROLA TalkAbout MC220 Walkie TalkiesMOTOROLA TalkAbout MC220 Walkie Talkies Radio Series: One of the rugged Value Series models, the MC220 has a range of up to 16 miles and is designed specifically for active families. Combining General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) technology with the Motorola engineering, this radio...
MOTOROLA TalkAbout MC220R Walkie TalkiesMOTOROLA TalkAbout MC220R Walkie Talkies is a great general purpose radio. With its colorful blue faceplate and ergonomic design, it is made to be easy to locate and use. This radio is great for emergency preparedness kits, as a set of backup radios, or...
أجهزة الاتصال اللاسلكية MOTOROLA TalkAbout MC225يعد جهاز MOTOROLA TalkAbout MC225 Walkie Talkies جهازًا رائعًا متعدد الأغراض. بفضل لوحته الأمامية الزرقاء الملونة وتصميمه المريح، تم تصميمه ليكون من السهل تحديد موقعه واستخدامه. يعد هذا الجهاز رائعًا لمجموعات الاستعداد للطوارئ، أو كمجموعة من أجهزة الراديو الاحتياطية، أو لرحلات التخييم والمغامرات الخارجية...
أجهزة الاتصال اللاسلكية MOTOROLA TalkAbout MC225Rيعد جهاز MOTOROLA TalkAbout MC225R Walkie Talkies جهازًا رائعًا متعدد الأغراض. بفضل لوحته الأمامية الزرقاء الملونة وتصميمه المريح، تم تصميمه ليكون من السهل تحديد موقعه واستخدامه. يعد هذا الجهاز رائعًا لمجموعات الاستعداد للطوارئ، أو كمجموعة من أجهزة الراديو الاحتياطية، أو لرحلات التخييم والمغامرات الخارجية...
MOTOROLA TalkAbout MD Series Walkie TalkiesMOTOROLA TalkAbout MD Series Walkie Talkies Keep in touch while you're hiking or camping with these Motorola Talkabout MD Series 2-way Walkie Talkie that feature 22 channels and up to a 20-mile range to help ensure clear, effective communication.
MOTOROLA TalkAbout MD200 Series Emergency Walkie TalkiesMOTOROLA TalkAbout MD200 Series Emergency Walkie Talkies has a range of up to 20 miles for indoor and outdoor communication. With 22 channels and the standard scan feature, this Portable Two-Way Radio makes it easy to stay in touch while you are out and...
MOTOROLA TalkAbout MD200R Walkie TalkiesMOTOROLA TalkAbout MD200R Walkie Talkies is a great choice for general purpose communications. The MD200 offers a rugged housing in a compact design and big buttons that are easy to press, even when wearing gloves. It fits easily in small hands, making it an...
MOTOROLA TalkAbout MD200TPR Walkie TalkiesMOTOROLA TalkAbout MD200TPR Walkie Talkies is a great choice for general purpose communications. The MD200 offers a rugged housing in a compact design and big buttons that are easy to press, even when wearing gloves. It fits easily in small hands, making it an...
MOTOROLA TalkAbout MD207 Series Walkie TalkiesMOTOROLA TalkAbout MD207 Series Walkie Talkies range of up to 20 miles for indoor and outdoor communication. It is the perfect product for the value-conscious shopper, providing all the important features at a low cost. It includes 22 channels with 121 interference eliminator codes...
MOTOROLA TalkAbout MD207R Walkie TalkiesMOTOROLA TalkAbout MD207R Walkie Talkies is easy to use by young and old alike. It is light weight and compact design make it easy to carry and an easy to hold, even in small hands. The big buttons are simple to press, even when...
MOTOROLA TalkAbout MD220R Walkie TalkiesMOTOROLA TalkAbout MD220R Walkie Talkies is easy to use by young and old alike. It is light weight and compact design make it easy to carry and an easy to hold, even in small hands. The big buttons are simple to press, even when...
MOTOROLA TalkAbout MD320CR Walkie TalkiesMOTOROLA TalkAbout MD320CR Walkie Talkies With a range up to 32 km (19.8 miles), the Motorola MD320CR radios are leading-edge GMRS radios with 22 Channels.
أجهزة الاتصال اللاسلكية MOTOROLA TalkAbout MG160 Seriesتتميز أجهزة الاتصال اللاسلكي MOTOROLA TalkAbout MG160 Series بحجمها الصغير وسهولة استخدامها من قبل جميع أفراد الأسرة. كما أن تصميمها الصغير مثالي للأيدي الصغيرة ويمكن وضعها بسهولة في الجيب أو ربطها بمشابك حزام سهلة الاستخدام. توفر أجهزة الاتصال اللاسلكي اتصالات موثوقة للمغامرات الخارجية أو...
MOTOROLA TalkAbout MG160A Walkie TalkiesMOTOROLA TalkAbout MG160A Walkie Talkies is an entry level FRS/GMRS Walkie Talkie the whole family can operate. Light and compact, the MB160A is easy to hold and easy to use for any member of your family, young and old alike and includes basic features...
MOTOROLA TalkAbout MG167A Walkie TalkiesMOTOROLA TalkAbout MG167A Walkie Talkies is an entry level FRS/GMRS Walkie Talkie the whole family can operate. Light and compact, the MB160A is easy to hold and easy to use for any member of your family, young and old alike and includes basic features...
أجهزة الاتصال اللاسلكية MOTOROLA TalkAbout MH Seriesتتميز أجهزة الاتصال اللاسلكي MOTOROLA TalkAbout MH Series بسهولة استخدامها من قبل الصغار والكبار على حد سواء. فهي خفيفة الوزن وتصميمها صغير الحجم يجعلها سهلة الحمل والإمساك بها، حتى في الأيدي الصغيرة. كما أن الأزرار الكبيرة سهلة الضغط، حتى عند ارتداء القفازات. وببساطة، تعد...
MOTOROLA TalkAbout MH230 Walkie TalkiesMOTOROLA TalkAbout MH230 Walkie Talkies is a great general purpose radio. With its distinctive yellow faceplate and ergonomic design, it is made to be easy to locate and use. This radio is great for emergency preparedness kits, as a set of backup radios, and...