MOTOROLA RRDN6798A Plate Mount With RG58A/U CableMOTOROLA RRDN6798A 3/4 Inch or 3 1/8 Inch Hole (Up to 1/2 Inch Thick) Plate Mount With 17 Inch RG58A/U Cable, No ConnectorAll brass construction and gold plated contact design ensure the most corrosion resistance and best power transfer available. Silver soldered ground lug...
Convertidor VHF y UHF MOTOROLA RRDN6847AMOTOROLA RRDN6847A Convertidor de móvil a base Para VHF y UHF, terminación N La construcción totalmente de latón y el diseño de contactos chapados en oro garantizan la mayor resistencia a la corrosión y la mejor transferencia de energía disponible. La terminal de tierra...
MOTOROLA RRDN6848A Chrome Rain Cap For NMO MountMOTOROLA RRDN6848A Quarterwave Chrome Rain Cap For NMO MountAll brass construction and gold plated contact design ensure the most corrosion resistance and best power transfer available. Silver soldered ground lug and contact virtually eliminate RF noise or static.
MOTOROLA RRDN6849A Black Rain Cap For NMO MountMOTOROLA RRDN6849A Quarterwave Black Rain Cap For NMO MountAll brass construction and gold plated contact design ensure the most corrosion resistance and best power transfer available. Silver soldered ground lug and contact virtually eliminate RF noise or static.
MOTOROLA RRDN6945A Brass NMO Mount PL259 ConnectorMOTOROLA RRDN6945A 3/4 Inch Hole brass NMO Mount With 17 Inch RG58U Cable, PL259 Connector Not AttachedAll brass construction and gold plated contact design ensure the most corrosion resistance and best power transfer available. Silver soldered ground lug and contact virtually eliminate RF noise...
MOTOROLA RRDN6946A Hole brass With RG58U CableMOTOROLA RRDN6946A 3/4 Inch Hole brass NMO Mount With 17 Inch RG58U Cable, No Connector,All brass construction and gold plated contact design ensure the most corrosion resistance and best power transfer available. Silver soldered ground lug and contact virtually eliminate RF noise or static.
MOTOROLA RRDN7132A Chrome Quarterwave NutMOTOROLA RRDN7132A Chrome Quarterwave NutAll brass construction and gold plated contact design ensure the most corrosion resistance and best power transfer available. Silver soldered ground lug and contact virtually eliminate RF noise or static.